Aubree Roberts

Choosing A Level 1 Or 2 EV Charger

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If you own an electric vehicle (EV) you likely want a place to charge your vehicle at home. Once you decide you want an EV charger, you will need to decide which one you want. There are several variables to help you decide on the right charger. Installation The cost of installation will be the first hurdle. If you don’t have a significant budget for installing an EV charger, you will more likely choose a Level 1 (L1) charger.…

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4 Telltale Signs That It Is Time To Speak With Electrical Contractors About An Electrical Panel Upgrade

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Most individuals would agree that the electrical systems in homes are important. However, many homeowners neglect their systems until they know that something is awry. A neglected electrical system poses a fire risk and other dangers such as ruining appliances and electronics. The following points identify signs that a home needs a new electrical panel.  Age of Home Electronics and appliances get better as far as features and performance are concerned.…

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What Businesses Should Know About Three-Phase Power

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Three-phase power is a common solution for a wide range of commercial electrical applications. Its presence in buildings and throughout properties is one of the main reasons that you’ll need to establish a good relationship with a commercial electrician services provider. Folks who own or operate businesses need to know the basics about three-phase power. What Is the Point of Three-Phase Electricity? Engineers design systems with three-phase power to increase the overall delivery of electricity.…

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Electrical Safety In Commercial Spaces: Recognizing Signs Of Potential Hazards

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Electricity is essential in running commercial activities such as lighting, security, heating, and powering equipment. Thus, commercial buildings have multiple electrical systems to enable smooth operations. However, the systems are also prone to malfunctioning, creating the need for professional repairs. Failure to attend to electrical issues on time results in safety concerns and disruption of your operations. Below is an overview of common electrical issues in commercial buildings, their causes, and their dangers.…

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Rental Property Improvements That Require An Electrician's Help

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If you have a rental property, maybe you’ve been thinking of ways to improve it and make it even more desirable for potential tenants. But if those improvements involve electrical work, then you’ll need to get the help of an electrician. Here are three improvements an experienced electrician can make to your rental property. Updating Outlets and Switches Outdated outlets and light switches can be unsightly and also create a safety hazard.…

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How Promptly Addressing Electrical Repairs At Your Commercial Enterprise Keeps Employees And Customers Safe

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Keeping your commercial building’s electrical system up and running is paramount to ensure the safety of personnel, maintain regulatory compliance and avoid costly repairs. With so much at stake, you should promptly address electrical repairs before they compromise the efficiency of your business. Luckily, help is only a phone call away when you have a designated commercial electrician. Read along to learn how promptly addressing electrical repairs at your commercial enterprise keeps employees and customers safe.…

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4 Signs That Your Freezer Has Issues And Requires Some Repairs

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A functional and efficient walk-in freezer is crucial in the commercial food business. Given this, you will likely lose a lot of food if yours develops issues. More so, there are chances your customers may get spoiled food and suffer food poisoning before you realize your cold room is to blame. Note that negative feedback can bring a bad name to your establishment. Therefore, you should always be vigilant for possible signs that your unit is developing issues that need repairs.…

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Why You Should Speak To An Electrician Before Building Your Home

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Electrical connectivity is a big part of any home, and it’s important to get the job done right when building a new house. Working with an experienced electric company can be invaluable in ensuring that your electrical system is properly installed and up-to-code. In fact, speaking to a residential electric company early on in the construction process can help identify any potential problems or issues that could arise down the road.…

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4 Smart Technologies To Ask Your Residential Electrical Contractor About

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Are you wondering how to make take advantage of new technologies such as smart climate systems in your home? There is no doubt that technology has had a big influence on today’s lifestyles, especially with smart technologies. These systems are smart because they can adjust their work autonomously after studying user habits. There are several benefits to installing these systems, chief among them are increased security and convenience. You can ask a residential electrical contractor to start with these smart technologies:…

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How Residential Electrical Contractors Can Protect Your Home For Winter Power Outages

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Winter is fast approaching, and you need to be prepared for any eventualities as a responsible homeowner. One aspect of your home you should take care of is your electrical system because it will enable you to ensure indoor comfort. The last thing you want to deal with is a power outage because this would paralyze all the pieces of equipment powered by electricity. The good news is that your designated residential electrical contractor can protect your home from winter power outages.…

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