Steps Involved In A Residential Electrical Installation During A Home Renovation
Whether you're building a new house or renovating an old one, you'll probably need to work with an electrician to have new wiring installed. The processes are different between installing electricity in a new house, a renovated house, and a historic house where you don't want the walls and building materials disturbed.
However, an electrician can install new wiring and panels in any of these situations. Here are some steps for the residential electrical installation process when you're renovating your home.
Learn Local Electrical Codes
Educate yourself about the electrical codes that pertain to your installation. If you have an old electrical system now, it may be out of compliance with new electrical codes. A new installation, even if it's in an older home, requires the work to be done in compliance with the latest codes.
Knowing these codes allows you to communicate with your electrician better and understand the reason the electrician has to do certain things when putting in new wiring.
Plan The Wiring Layout
A residential electrical installation begins with a plan. The electrician will design the actual plan, but the plan is based on how you intend to use your home. For instance, the electrician needs to know where your major appliances will be, since some of these need special outlets, and they all need dedicated circuits.
Also let the electrician know the type of lighting you want in each room, such as track lights, recessed lighting, or under-cabinet lighting, so the appropriate wiring can be installed.
Explain the purpose of each room, since a bedroom won't need as many outlets as a family room or media room, where you'll have a lot of electronic equipment plugged in.
Decide When To Do The Electrical Installation
Installing wiring in a new construction home is easier in some ways since the electrician works directly with the builder and installs wiring when the walls are still open. If you're hiring an electrician to install new wiring for your home renovation, you need to coordinate the work with the electrician and codes inspector.
The electrician will probably install the new wiring after you tear out the old drywall. You may need a codes inspection once the wires are installed and before the new drywall is put up.
Part of the installation includes putting in a new electrical panel unless the one you have is large and fairly new. If you want to move the panel, the utility company may need to disconnect the service line and attach it to the new service mast and electrical panel.
Finish Up The Installation
The finishing touches for your electrical installation happen once the walls are up and you're ready to install lighting and switches. If you're handy, you might do work like this yourself. However, since it involves working with electricity, you may want the electrician to come back and finish the installation of your lighting fixtures, outlets, and switches.